
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Orlando

Today, I realized I can't wait until my daughter moves out the house when she is 18. She's eight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 252
You deserved it 29 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Calm down, she's just 8. Once she does move out you'll probably wish she was back. Let's hope she doesn't see her about this FML when she IS 18.

Cherish the moments you have with her when she gets older she could want nothing to do with you


That's some seriously cold shit. -.- I can't believe you're a mother.

l1sara 2

Don't listen to the nonparents telling you how to feel. All parents have times when they love their kids beyond measure and sometimes want to run away from home.

Dear OP, I have a 6 year old niece who is driving her mom crazy. Seek help. For you and your baby sake. My niece turned out to have ADHD.

If you don't like your own child that much, just remember that she is YOUR child and is the product of YOUR parenting. YOU need to teach YOUR child how to act differently if you don't like the way she is. I also hope you never make your daughter aware of these negative feelings about her. SMH

hatemyluck 15

If she's acting up a lot, then you should get her tested for anything so that she could be safe. Even so, don't ever tell her that you have these horrible feelings towards her. At age 8, she can lose a certain amount of trust for you, even if you try to help her for the next 10 years.

If you say things like that, I'm sure she can't wait to leave YOU! If she's a brat, consider how you treat her. After all you are the one parenting her. You're partly to blame.

This is something your inner monologue should have kept to herself..

I'm with ya I can't wait for 8 year old daughter to move out too!!

Wow, I hope she never reads this. Seriously, perhaps you shouldn't have had kids if you already hate them.