
By Anonymous - 26/12/2012 18:30 - United States - Bakersfield

Today, while at the store with my mom and baby brother, a guy started to talk to me. Just as he went to give me his number, my mom handed me my brother and said, "Here's your son, your AA meeting's in an hour, let's go." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 920
You deserved it 5 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments


DarkHelmet 10

Mom with the grade A **** block

31 in you pic, the hand looks like a penis cumming out of a dudes face...

I must admit depending on the age of OP of course, this was a brilliant move on moms behalf.

I doubt she's in her 20's seeing as she has a baby brother. So probably mid-late teens.

wysegirl 24

My sister was born when I was 25 but not my mom's kid she belongs to my step-mother. also depends on how young the mom had her too..

amerikaninfidel 2

That's just her way of introducing your family. Be happy she didn't get angry about it OP

I can't think of a way out of that one..your moms winning

How was OP supposed to know that her mom was going to say anything?

yscpunkchick 14

I haven't read an FML in a while that actually made me laugh! That sounds like some shit my own Mother would pull!

btstig 11

I got something your mom can pull !

TheDrifter 23

He should have still passed on his number, score some points with mommy dearest for his acceptance of your (imaginary) flaws.