News to me

By RBEE - 12/12/2009 18:02 - France

Today, my colleague rushed off to the hospital for the birth of his first son. Having met his wife at the Christmas party a couple of years ago, I called to congratulate her. Shame I didn't realize it was his mistress having the baby. Guess who broke the news to the wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 725
You deserved it 4 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...if he wanted it kept secret, why was he telling everyone at his work?

dracer 0

Ooops, but at least you got the wife into the clearing! It's about time she saw through the cheating bastard this colleague of yours is!


Yeah, I agree with 19. It sounds like she called them to leave a congratulations and ended up breaking the news that the husband was cheating.

I don't think it's fake. Sounds like OP rang the next day, or maybe even a few days later. Just because she doesn't explicitly state the time of the phone call doesn't mean me can't all use a bit of logic :P

why would you call a woman who's supposedly in labor...?

livelaughluv 0

FYL That sucks. It's not your fault though, he's the one cheating.

atomicmrpelly 2

Nah **** that guy's wife's life. You did nothing wrong that guy's a sleazebag!

hey, at least it wasnt your boss. THEN it would be a FYL.

haha dont _eff_ your life;fuxk his life.hes screwed , you didnt know. oh well so sad