Long held grudge

By thatwas10yearsago - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Reston

Today, I found out why the girl I like won't give me the time of day. Apparently, I called her ugly and pushed her into a puddle when we were in kindergarten. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 803
You deserved it 31 699

Top comments

LiyIa_fml 8

I remember in 3rd grade, girls would call me fat. Walk around and kick my chair, I Still get sad over it to this day when I see them sometimes. Bullying is a serious issue. :/


WrongRomance 11

Ultimate revenge, man. Growing up to become hot, proving you wrong about being ugly, "pushing you into puddles" by ignoring you.

kikimonole 13

Hey, being made fun of is not a good thing for us to remember! I still hold a grudge against those that made fun of me in Kindergarten. Some have apologized, and I forgave them. But the others? They are still on The List. Which I will mercilessly stalk them until their dying day saying "YOU LOST THE GAME." Every. Thirty. Minutes. Horrible, right? Eventually it'll get annoying. But you'll never get used to it. You'll start to hate this game. Some will wonder what game they are losing. But others? They know. They know they can never win. But they can never figure out who is making them lose. **** I've had too many cokes and flaming hot cheetos.

sinking_fish 12

That would make for a great movie.

kikimonole 13

These are the things I think of when I'm bored. /bows

perdix 29

Which year of kindergarten were you guys in? In some parts of rural Virginia, it's rare for kids to make it out of kindergarten the first time . . . or second . . . or third . . .

Push your own self into a puddle in front of her OP. or lay your jacket on a puddle for her to to step on and not to ruin her shoes. Or punch her in the face.

Everything was good until u said punch her in the face.

I see, understand and admit my vulgar attempt to add a hint of what seemed to be today's new funny. I realized my mistake and I apologize. *kiss on the hand*

Well you sound like an asshole... so no loss for her.

LittleGreenPaola 23

If you call a girl ugly, even once, she'll never forget it! ;)

The implication was that you're still a massive douche now. If she'd seen your behaviour since then and thought you'd changed even a little, she probably would have given you a chance. Sucks to be you. Also, stop slating the girl for holding a grudge about this. Everyone says mean stuff in kindergarten, but the people who pushed other kids in puddles were known as bullies where I come from. There are plenty of guys out there who haven't done really mean things to her, why would she go out with the one who did? And the kids in the post are only sixteen and she's probably seen him acting like a dick at school every day since so no wonder the grudge sticks. It's not like she's 40 and still holds the grudge when she hasn't seen him for 20 something years.

C'mon, Alan. It really isn't that far of a conclusion to jump to when you match up OP's pre-adolescent behavior and his username. I can read that he's unapologetic, unsympathetic, insensitive, and likely an overall douche. Some people change over time, but it doesn't look like he's done much for the better.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe he didn't remember and that she just told him? He was five years old, FFS. I don't even remember any of my childhood before about age six. Don't try to tell me you never hurt anyone in your life and failed to apologize for it. But hey, it's popular around here to just assume assume assume the worst and crucify the OP over nothing more than stuff you thought up off the top of your head, so who am I to rock the boat, huh?

He could have changed. She might not have noticed because he's still a douche, but because she doesn't pay any attention to it. And I think she should get over it. You don't have to get an apology every time. I've been called ugly and some boys in elementary and middle school used to tell me that I would never get a boyfriend. Yes it hurt my self esteem and made me self conscious but I still forgive the people even if they don't apologise and even if they're still jerks. Keeping a grudge is unhealthy for yourself.

ineslovescats 5

But you all were like 5... -__-