Long held grudge

By thatwas10yearsago - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Reston

Today, I found out why the girl I like won't give me the time of day. Apparently, I called her ugly and pushed her into a puddle when we were in kindergarten. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 803
You deserved it 31 699

Top comments

LiyIa_fml 8

I remember in 3rd grade, girls would call me fat. Walk around and kick my chair, I Still get sad over it to this day when I see them sometimes. Bullying is a serious issue. :/


Look at it this way, If she is upset over something small you did 10 years ago, just imagine what she would do if you forgot your anniversary even once.

jmoreno 4

Maybe that's not the girl for u I mean imagine if she could hold that over u for so long think of how ur relationship would be ur better off

We all did some stupid stuff in Kindergarten, didn't we? I'm sure we weren't all saints back then, so that's too bad she's being rude to you now for something you did 10 years ago.

and as shown by both the subject in the FML and 113, we offend easily as well. hopefully someone can understand sarcasm in this world

I think she just doesn't like you but couldn't come up with a better reason than that. We do that crap as kids. Its like saying that you still believe in "cooties" and someone is still pissed that you said they had them. I could understand like 3rd grade on - from that point you're just being a dick but this is about kindergarten.....come on...

Lol it's cute! And this is a perfect example why men will never understand us!

jessicadavis374 6