Long held grudge

By thatwas10yearsago - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Reston

Today, I found out why the girl I like won't give me the time of day. Apparently, I called her ugly and pushed her into a puddle when we were in kindergarten. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 803
You deserved it 31 699

Top comments

LiyIa_fml 8

I remember in 3rd grade, girls would call me fat. Walk around and kick my chair, I Still get sad over it to this day when I see them sometimes. Bullying is a serious issue. :/


U would think she would have moved on buy now

TheyCallMeDamien 17

karma Bad memories last longer than good memories.

Well, I'm the same as OP's girl. There was a kid in my elementary who was pretty much a bully to me as a 4th and 5th grader. He was also a jerk in middle school to those not in "the popular circle." (AKA Kids that all lived by each other.) We were both in Gifted, so we were in the same classes 'til Highschool. For my sanity, I came to accept all of his bull and let him do what he wanted without argument as if it didn't bother me. Come Senior year of Highschool, we end up in 2 of the same classes. Disturbingly, he comes up like a nice guy and talks to me as if we're friends or something. Unlike OP, I was too used to going-with-the-flow of stuff to outright ignore him or be rude, but every time he came near me the grudge bubbled up and all I could remember was all the bad things he ever did.

OhYeahItsDannie 0

People who dwell on things to that extent is creepy anyways

toughchick14 15

She has every right not to like you! You did something rude. No offense OP.

nachi2013 4

Well that pretty much sums up your denied slip 0.0