Honesty doesn't pay

By Hayls5 - 04/07/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, I was driving with a friend when we saw a wallet in the middle of his neighborhood road. When we picked it up, we saw it was loaded with cash. We drove to the man's house to return the wallet, and when we handed it to him he told us, "I would give you a reward but I don't have any cash." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 243
You deserved it 6 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If not getting a reward is an FML for you, you truly deserve this one. Whatever happened to human goodness?


Twin_Uzis 0

That's what you get for being the "good Samaritan." YDI.

jw90 18

Do people really expect a reward for everything...?

Next time take the money and then bring it to the police so the owner will get all their debitcards etc. back without ever having to know that you took the money!

You reply, "Well, you do now. Look in the wallet."

itsgen 16

well if you wanted the money you would of took it w/ out returning it and second that money maybe wasnt his it could of been the rent car bill idk but my point is that if your returning money dont expect some as a reward same thing happened to me in vegas

anybody who carries cash around to pay rent or bills deserves to be robbed. that's why we have checks, debit cards, online bill pay, credit cards, etc. if you can afford to carry that much cash around, and therefore risk losing it, you can afford a small reward for some nice people who did more than most people would have.

That's a load of bullshit. I hate checks and cards and everything else with a bloody paper trail. There is no need for everything I buy to be on record for all of forever, and as long as I use cash, it isn't.

Someone's paranoid. If the government/corporations cared that much about watching your purchases, do you think they'd allow cash in the first place?

The government has put people on no-fly lists or terror-watch lists because of purchases they made that "look suspicious" despite being perfectly valid. Corporations use your information to profile and overload you with all sorts of advertising shit. Not to mention the lovely part where, just because they're not doing it *now* doesn't mean we should give them the capability to do it later. Why restrict cash if most people will voluntarily use a method with a paper trail, anyway? By restricting cash, you make it obvious what you're trying to do. Besides, it doesn't necessarily even need to be them. What if he was going off to buy an engagement ring for his girlfriend with whom he shares an account? Having a transaction to a jeweler kind of spoils the surprise there.

xo_xo 0
DieterDerBlau 0

I'd'a called him on it, demanded that he count out every dollar/pound/ruble/mark/whatever RIGHT THERE and ensure he had everything then, since it had plenty of money in it while you were checking for ID. Then, I'd'a demanded a receipt. (then beat him unconcious, taken his wallet, emptied it and returned it to him via the nearest body oriface... ...for not tipping me, especially if I drove somewhere to return it.) Just kidding on that last bit... make for another funny FML someday...

holy fuckk everybody her aim wasn't to get the cash for a good deed, it was the fact that the wallet they returned was full of cash and the dude said "I have no cash" being a total liar about it and he didn't say "I don't have available cash" (which would make us assume that it was being saved for something), he said "I don't have any cash to give you" (which would represent the physical bills), proving that he was being an outright douche so stfu about "the good samaritan" and "he was saving it for something" the OP doesn't deserve this

now THAT is why you should NOT help anyone these days.

Haha, thats funny. My mom was in the same situation. She returned it on the way to work. Know what happened? Nothing. Nothing really changed. So what you say is not the truth.