Hands on the wheel

By Username - 05/10/2011 00:02 - United States

Today, on my way home, my girlfriend started sexting me, telling me that she was waiting at my house. In my rush to get home to see her, I got pulled over and had to be patted down. He found no weapons, but he did find my stiffy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 963
You deserved it 12 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's this? A gun? A knife? You people make me sick. It must be a gun, it has a sort of rounded tip. Wait...hang on. My mistake...

RockstarRN 10

Just be honest. If it was a guy cop he would probably understand why you were rushing. Hope it was worth the ticket!


You deserved it, Driving while texting even if only reading. I hope you got a nice big ticket.

bubo_fml 10

"Officer, I'm cocked & loaded w/a hair trigger...Handle it gently or it'll go off in my boxers!"

Why did you have to be patted down for speeding?

Tell the officer you where gonna get laid, hence the speeding.

GoArmy6624 7

He patted you down for speeding? Obviously someone hasn't read the Bill of Rights.

cajekraze 7

why did you get patted down? you must've done something more suspicious than speeding...or he wanted to cop a feel after seeing the swell