
By dogs_and_toucans - 08/06/2009 18:47 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 10 months moved to Europe and we may never see each other again, so I gave her a $200 sterling silver heart necklace as a goodbye present. She gave me a pack of gum. Cinnamon, which I'm allergic to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 706
You deserved it 6 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you buy her something expensive if you might not see her ever again? YDI

haha thats why when you see someone for the last time you flip them off


Why would you buy an expensive item if you MAY never see her again? Were you trying to secure maybe-future-sex?

rallets 22
heatherrrx 0

Wow, FYL. I would've taken it back and said that she didn't deserve the last 10 months of my life.

#12, I buy more stuff for my guy than he does for me, actually. That sucks, but hey, at least you don't have to deal with her anymore.

fml27 0

wow i never realized how common the cinnamon gum allergies was. and thats sucks

amazingkate 0

i was really annoyed by all the dudes in these comments saying girls are materialistic bitches who only care about taking a man for all he's worth. but after reading #18's comment i see their point. and this FML. i guess some chicks are, regretfully, not that awesome. just keep saying to yourself, good riddance to bad rubbish. but you are a sentimental fool for buying an expensive piece of romantic jewelery for a girl who is leaving without you. don't you get the message when someone ditches you?

sbarre1 0

I don't get why you would buy something that expensive for someone that you haven't even been with that long who you may never see again. >.>

burttrub0 0

#12 is right. This sounds selfish. You give her this necklace and expect something in return. If you loved her as much as it sounds, the necklace was so she could remember you. It is hard to remember someone from a trivial piece of food. Next time ask to take a picture.

justmyluck1212 0

These pity fml's r all starting 2 sound the same now...