Foot in mouth

By emix - 17/06/2009 22:08 - United States

Today, I was dropping my new boyfriend off at his house. I'd never been there before, so he was giving me directions as I drove. We passed a small trailer home on the right. Without thinking, I said, "I'm so glad I don't live in a house like that." My boyfriend told me to turn right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 158
You deserved it 67 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you ended up dumping him because of the house he lives in, then you're a bitch.... Not saying you are though, just making a presumption.

LysssNysss 1

It seems like every fml is the same. "Today, I said something without thinking. FML"


kellster 2

You didn't know he lived in a trailer and you're dating him? I know he's a new boyfriend, but... come on now!

SweetestSin 4

When the trailer is a rockin don't go a knockin!!! YDI a place a person lives in doesn't make who they are! Who cares if it's a trailer or a mansion as long as they are good hearted people. If he had been homeless and sleeping behind a dumpster and wanting to sleep with chicks for 100 bucks thats a different story

Rot in he'll u dumb little bitch hahahahahA

A trailer isn't necessarily worse than a house. it is all about the upkeep. I'd rather live in a nice trailer than in an ugly little house. Oh... and you DO realise that times are kind tough at the moment? what a prime example of igorance

Do all of the people overreacting to the trailer part... live in a trailer or date someone living in a trailer? I think the OP was just trying to make conversation with her new BF.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Yeah, but she was still being a judgemental bitch. I lived in a doublewide until I was 16 and it wasn't horrible. 4 of us lived comfortably in it. We aren't and weren't poor, but sometimes a house isn't in the cards for some people until years later. I'd rather live in a trailer than be homeless.

Gorillazx22 0

You should have crashed to avoid awkwardness lol

And you wonder why you have never been there before? It's probably because he knew you would be a judgemental ass about it. F your boyfriends life for having such a snob for a g/f.

Squidipus 0

Don't judge Americans by what you read here - most of the commenters and posters are ignorant high school kids. Check out the commenters are less condescending and the content is a lot more entertaining.

lol u americans :) never thought it was true, till i found fml

good work by you. how unthoughtful and unthinking.