Foot in mouth

By emix - 17/06/2009 22:08 - United States

Today, I was dropping my new boyfriend off at his house. I'd never been there before, so he was giving me directions as I drove. We passed a small trailer home on the right. Without thinking, I said, "I'm so glad I don't live in a house like that." My boyfriend told me to turn right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 158
You deserved it 67 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you ended up dumping him because of the house he lives in, then you're a bitch.... Not saying you are though, just making a presumption.

LysssNysss 1

It seems like every fml is the same. "Today, I said something without thinking. FML"


Holy crap, as I read this all I could notice is how this is exactly what was going on with me two days ago, I was going to go get my guy, and he was on the phone telling me how to get to his house. And he lives in a little mobile home park. But you know what? I didn't say anything like that because I don't CARE what kind of house he lives in, at least he has somewhere to live! YDI for being a snob.

Caayouteepie 0

awww poor guy. ..not like thatt. like i feel bad for him hhah

ambersaysrawr 0

#21 your ******* stupid. >.<

when i moved to where i live now with my parents we had to buy a trailer and live in it for almost a year, because our house was still being built. don't judge people if you don't really know whats going on :)

ouch. I would be thinking "what a bitch" lol and what you said probly made him really embarrassed and insecure

What the hell, people? Where does it say she judged anyone? She never said anything about people who live in trailers. READ THE POST, not just the comments. The only reason everyone on here is condemning here for something she didn't even say is that the stereotype is the first thing that jumped into THEIR minds, and they're trying to make themselves feel better. "Oh, I would NEVER say that to someone in because I respect people for who they are, not how much money they make, and I don't stereotype." Newsflash: no one in reality knows you made that comment, no one thinks better of you because you called the OP a bitch, she did nothing wrong, and you're just trying to tell everyone what a wonderful person you are by condemning her. So try reading the FML for what it says, instead of jumping to conclusions because you want to believe that you are a better person than the OP. The stereotype you're condemning? It came from YOUR head, not hers...she never posted it.

paigeey16 0


ok people she wasn't looking down on people in trailer homes, she was just saying she wouldn't want to live there, and I have lived in a trailer and I didn't want to live there so lay off