Foot in mouth

By emix - 17/06/2009 22:08 - United States

Today, I was dropping my new boyfriend off at his house. I'd never been there before, so he was giving me directions as I drove. We passed a small trailer home on the right. Without thinking, I said, "I'm so glad I don't live in a house like that." My boyfriend told me to turn right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 158
You deserved it 67 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you ended up dumping him because of the house he lives in, then you're a bitch.... Not saying you are though, just making a presumption.

LysssNysss 1

It seems like every fml is the same. "Today, I said something without thinking. FML"


spoonboy 0

I wouldn't want to live in a small trailer, either. Who does, really?

With an apartment, you're throwing your money away. If he has a paid-for trailer, he can save money towards a nice house. Just because he's living in a trailer now doesn't mean he always will. I'd rather be with somebody who can manage their money than with somebody who buys themselves way more house than they can afford just so they can impress shallow bitches.

tehukiso 0

Anyone old enough to get a job who doesn't have a physical or mental disability deserves it completely if they live in a trailer. Apartments aren't that expensive and neither is making enough money to pay for one. I wouldn't feel bad for him at all.

Lol don't worry too much until he takes you on a date to a cockfight.

Brooke7578 0

Geez, you guys FREAK OUT making your own assumptions. She probably just wasn't thinking and trying to make conversation. He was her *new* boyfriend. Maybe she wasn't sure what to talk about with him? Oh, and before I date someone I don't say "Oh, hey, by the way, do you live in a trailer?" How was she supposed to know if he lived in a trailer or not? Just saying.

wasabipeas 0

Trailers really aren't that bad. My grandparents live in one and it's very nice - clean, spacious, nice garden, etc. They only fit the trashy stereotype if you choose to adorn them with plastic lawn gnomes.

Wow, way to be a judgmental jerk. Not everyone can afford to live in a nice big home and at least those people have a damn roof over their heads. Why don’t you pull yours out of your ass.

MetalCraze 11

man I hate the perasumtions about ppl who live in trailers THEY ARE NORMAL EVERYDAY PPL If you can't deal with it he needs to dump your shallow ass

ipoopinmypants 0

hey, if he actually had the money he would be driving you home... you have to think about these things

"and I am NOT trailer trash" How do you know? ;) It's like saying "I'm NOT tacky." That's not really something one should judge themselves.

ipoopinmypants 0

hey, if he actually had the money he would be driving you home... you have to think about these things

bollywood_rocks 0

I did live in one for two years when going to college. It was more expensive than the dorms because I had to pay for heating in addition to utilities and rent while the fees for the dorms were bundled together. I ended up paying 600 a month from the 400 the landlady told me. The dorms? 450 but I didn't have to obey school rules like curfew so it worked out for me.

I had my own trailer in college too. I kept it nice and clean and shit I was damn proud cuz I paid for it all MYSELF and made my own damn rules! None of my friends could even say they had their own place. My trailer ended up being the place everyone -RICH AND POOR- hung out! We wouldn't trade those memories for the world!

I don't blame you, I completely understand. And the rest of you should maybe go check out a trailer park or try living in one for a few months, then you'll change your tune. And not any of those fancy ones some of you seem to think exist. A REAL one. There's a reason there's a term called "trailer trash." I know, I'm part hick.