Foot in mouth

By emix - 17/06/2009 22:08 - United States

Today, I was dropping my new boyfriend off at his house. I'd never been there before, so he was giving me directions as I drove. We passed a small trailer home on the right. Without thinking, I said, "I'm so glad I don't live in a house like that." My boyfriend told me to turn right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 158
You deserved it 67 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you ended up dumping him because of the house he lives in, then you're a bitch.... Not saying you are though, just making a presumption.

LysssNysss 1

It seems like every fml is the same. "Today, I said something without thinking. FML"


i would say the same thing. no one would LIKE to live in a trailer, not to say you'd hate to date someone living in a trailer. so all high n mighty hater comments above can just go bash their heads in with their keyboards.

blondegurl718 0

I live in a trailer, and I am NOT trailer trash. And I don't see why people judge people who live in trailers. They think its trashy, but its not. Its how you act...such as (cussing a whole lot, rude, are slobs) stuff like that. But I live in a trailer and we do none of that. My dad owns a 2 story house but sadly I dont live there...It's easier to sneak out! Lol I am only 13, Teenagers these days. Haha but you are right, no one would like to. (:


that_one_dude 0

I can't believe you. Shame on you. I'm so glad I got over being like this....In middle school!!!

christopherlove 0

Newsflash. Plenty of normal people live in mobile homes. Stereotype much? Did you be sure to mention how you can't stand money-grubbing Jews, then find out his last name is Rosenstein?

I hope you end up in the most disgusting trailer house in the county. YDI for that comment. You need to see what it's like to live in one. I'm glad I don't have your horrible snobish personality. *Smiles* =]

fireandice92 0

That's okay. When me and one of my best friends first walked 2 my house she was saying"look at that box shaped house, it doesn't go with this block" it was my house lol we joke about it now so I'm sure you guys will too

I love this comment! U have an awesome sense of humor!

bollywood_rocks 0

LOL. Hey isnt Rockmart in NW GA close to carpet capital?

Fcukmywholelife 0

First off, You are a bitch. Why? because you should be thank ful that at lease you HAVE a place to live in. Second, You might have hurt his feelings. He deserves a better girl

ergo_fml 13