Foot in mouth

By emix - 17/06/2009 22:08 - United States

Today, I was dropping my new boyfriend off at his house. I'd never been there before, so he was giving me directions as I drove. We passed a small trailer home on the right. Without thinking, I said, "I'm so glad I don't live in a house like that." My boyfriend told me to turn right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 158
You deserved it 67 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you ended up dumping him because of the house he lives in, then you're a bitch.... Not saying you are though, just making a presumption.

LysssNysss 1

It seems like every fml is the same. "Today, I said something without thinking. FML"


gingermonster16 0

Ooooh shit, you just did it again with #7. FYL for sure. For doing this to both you're boyfriend and #7. hahahaha You should probably learn to have an inner monologue and keep some things to yourself. I suffer second hand embarrassment for you. just a little bit.

Fuzzybunny111993 0

Wow i dont think this FML is meant to explain the finances of some people and how some people can't afford nice homes...the FML is just some girl with her bf who said something embarassing and how she wishes she didnt say it. everyone needs to stop making this into "she is making fun of poor ppl" and "shes such a bitch" yeah she souldnt have said that but i mean really? she didnt mean to say how all ppl in trailors are "rags".

but she did made it seem that living in a trailer would be horrible. "I'm so glad I don't live in a house like that" pretty much translates to how degrading/disgusting living in a trailer is? She's embarrassed and should be, for having no humanity. I'm going a bit too far but I hope she doesn't derive more of the 'gladness' from seeing children living in dumpster.

Excuse me? I've been living in trailers all my life, and I am far from 'trailer trash'. Way to generalize.

Yulia_fml 0

Congrats on dating trailer trash! =D Or maybe he's a nice guy who will be a rags-to-riches kind of story. In that case, good luck :)

Why don't you go buy some cats, because with your attitude you're gonna need them when you're old and alone.

senorchipotle 0

i'm guessing your new boyfriend is now your old boyfriend. for his sake, at least.

two_deep 0

When the trailer's rocking, don't come a knocking.

Haha no kidding!! I could only imagine his reaction and response to that one... Poor guy probably wanted to curled up in a shell :( FYL

How is bashing poor people just making conversation...?

Imagine how stupid and embarrassed you made him feel. Does he at least have a big weiner???

well, if he is any good at all he would agree with you. living in a trailer home is not cool. sorry for everyone who does, and i'm not judging, but seriously. is it your dream to live there?

"I'm not judging." Goes on to insinuate that someone living in a trailer should want to haul ass out of there asap or they're no good trailer trash. Just so you know, adding those three words doesn't mean anything if you're going to judge anyway

Just because you live somewhere does not mean it's your dream. People take steps. You dont start out in a fancy home right out of the get go.