Drunken rampage

By Anonymous - 01/08/2011 21:47 - United States

Today, at some point, and for some reason I'll probably never fully understand, it seemed like a good idea to get completely shitfaced on tequila and try to shave my ballsack with a straight razor. I'm not sure if these wounds will ever heal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 993
You deserved it 71 748

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

Hopefully, you got the vas deferens pretty good so your idiocy will not make it into the gene pool.

erikaa1123 4

i felt your pain, and i am a woman...but rofl. write a country song about it, you have all you need: drink and pain.

atleast now you have a new pick-up line to pick up girls that (hopefully) only you could use and ger away with:) "hey, whats your name? wanna see the scars on my balls?"

you must be one of those fun drunk people who comes up with the stupidest ideas. I like.

Quick! Time to think of a cover story! Because " well you see, I got drunk and shaved with a straight razor" won't get you laid

why do something as stupid as that while youre drunk!?