Drunken rampage

By Anonymous - 01/08/2011 21:47 - United States

Today, at some point, and for some reason I'll probably never fully understand, it seemed like a good idea to get completely shitfaced on tequila and try to shave my ballsack with a straight razor. I'm not sure if these wounds will ever heal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 993
You deserved it 71 748

Same thing different taste


KiddNYC1O 20

the wounds won't heal, youll have to get a new ball sack,I recommend the titanium model

Glitterhinoceros 14

You must be an idiotic moron.

CommonSenseKarma 17

You must really like that phrase ^_^

Thanks for stating a pejorative redundancy in some failed attempt to sound witty.

gunmania0 12

I shaved my ballsack with a razor once, needless to say, I am now a Unic.

gunmania0 12

That is a joke btw. Both are still fully operational.

dude I razor mine all the time. electric just rips that shut up

12em12 1

Harry Potter? Hmm, he probably got drunk on butterbeer.

CommonSenseKarma 17

Alcohol's a bitch. That's why I'll never touch the stuff. I already got enough of those already,

One tequila two tequila three tequila floor!

ElainaCutsYou 0

BME Pain Olympics: The Final Round.