Drunken rampage

By Anonymous - 01/08/2011 21:47 - United States

Today, at some point, and for some reason I'll probably never fully understand, it seemed like a good idea to get completely shitfaced on tequila and try to shave my ballsack with a straight razor. I'm not sure if these wounds will ever heal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 993
You deserved it 71 748

Same thing different taste


89 stfu u ruined the thread. No one cares

Adv3ntur3Tim3Rox 3

Can ur balls evwn fall off??

how can someone think right if he was " shitfaced "? but still what a dumbass

Well I bet THAT sobered you up pretty quickly o.o

Oh wow, this hurt just reading it...and it hurt more because i just got hit in the balls a minute ago

p3t3rrrn 0

CHOP YOUR BALLS OFF!!!! (like a boss)

ScubaSteve96 0

Too bad you dont have balls of steel.