Don't mention it

By PoorGramps - 09/12/2009 07:39 - United States

Today, my greatgrandpa came over for dinner. Halfway through the meal, he pooped himself. My family went through the rest of the meal acting like we hadn't noticed to avoid embarassment. As it was coming to an end, my sister came home and immediately yelled, "Ew! Did someone poop?" He cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 452
You deserved it 3 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awe poor guy I wish I could give him a hug :(

Aww this is sad. At least you didn't make him cry... Your sister did....


mari3644 0

31- great grandpa means mom's grandpa or dad's grandpa. not, grandpa's grandpa..... poor little old man, it's not embarrassing if you guys are all family! =(

Your family should be ashamed of themselves. How could they do that to him? How could they not have on any Clay Aiken music during dinner?

more importantly, who the hell cares?!?

janise 2

Runner-up of the second season's American Idol. Lousy singer.

your family is the problem here, not greatgrandpa and not the sister. They were not trying to avoid embarassing him but themselves. The thing to do was to help the poor man, not pretend the problem doesn't exist. This is a FML alright, but not because your sister made ggpa cry, but because your family is cold and uncaring

This is probably what happened. from the grandfathers point of view. he was most likely just sitting at dinner with his family ( something that clearly doenst happen often because the OP said "over for dinner" rather than "we were at dinner"infering the the great grandfather is a guest" when suddenly he lost control of his bowls. clearly mortified, and hoping no one noticed he probaly continued eating and talking as if everything was fine. the family, seeing his reacting probably thought it was a good idea to go along with it and pretend they didnt notice ( respect your elders). after a while, when things seemed to be getting less awkward for everyone, the sister bursts into the room and shouts what the entire family had been thinking silently and why the great grandfather had hoped no one noticed. hence the crying out of mortification. this situation is not hard to imagine guys.

So he pooped himself and you and your family just left him there? That is gross and mean. Who wants to sit in a pile of their waste and eat dinner?

lwdjaymac 1

I feel sorry for him, but why the hell is it an FML for you?

How could you get all that cleaned up quickly? and carry on with the meal like nothing happened? but then again, how can you act like nothing happened? and why wasn't a nurse on standby??

theteal 0

Not every old person with an incontinence problem needs a nurse. Did you ever think the family couldn't afford a nurses service? Or maybe he lives in a rest home and went to visit the family for dinner? Nurses aren't the only ones who can wipe poop. My cousin took care of her mother-in-law until the woman passed away. She was bed/wheelchair bound and couldn't go to the bathroom on her own. They didn't hire a nurses service until the end when she was put on a certain type of machinery that required special care.

peacockfeather 0

Poor grandpa. I understand where OP's coming from, not wanting embarrass him, but really, someone should've helped him clean up. Grandpa would've cried anyway if he realized he pooped (if he hadn't realized it already) and no one from his family seemed to care enough to tell him.

To all the people who are saying 'oh well why wouldnt you clean it up?!?!?!?!', maybe he's ashamed of it, and didn't want to bring it up? And for the others who say 'how is this an fml?', how would you like to see your great grandpa cry because of something he's ashamed of, and brought up rather rudely? So, basically, what I'm saying is...**** OFF.

Skull_300 0

At least he nobody got shitfaced at your dinner...

Why am I laughing? That's so bad, but so funny.

Any reason behind that? Or is that just a solid '**** off' with no reasoning? Either way, meh, I don't care what you think.