Don't mention it

By PoorGramps - 09/12/2009 07:39 - United States

Today, my greatgrandpa came over for dinner. Halfway through the meal, he pooped himself. My family went through the rest of the meal acting like we hadn't noticed to avoid embarassment. As it was coming to an end, my sister came home and immediately yelled, "Ew! Did someone poop?" He cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 452
You deserved it 3 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awe poor guy I wish I could give him a hug :(

Aww this is sad. At least you didn't make him cry... Your sister did....


ryansbk 0

Lol, Funny. I really hate old people. They aren't good for this world. They live off our governments money and can't even take care of themselves. We should have a genocide of all seniors 60+

Oh, you decided to edit out the Jew comment?? How kind of you--I guess even you have boundaries. Far better to just suggest that ALL old people die. I have a better about mandatory genocide for people who are too stupid to breed. i.e.: you.?

Did they moderate ryansbk's comment yet? Because it deserves to be deleted off the planet, joke or not. This is really sad, but I think it's definitely an FHL for grandpa--poor guy, having to sit and let himself fall victim to bodily functions that he can no longer control. I sympathize with the OP's family trying to avoid his embarrassment, but hes probably quite used to it by now...they should have tried to clean him up as quickly as possible. Poor sister must have felt about 2 inches tall. :(

hate to break it to you Ryansbk, but you're going to be 60 too one day and I'm pretty sure you'll still want to be living at that point. 60 isn't even old. My mom is 61 and looks like she's only 40. Hope I'm lucky like that.

ryansbk 0

Lol, Awesome. Succeeded in pissing people off. Score for me!

TheSadCupcake 0

DO U GUIZ LIEK MUDKIPZ?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#!#####!@$@!#$!@#!@$@#%&%^&@#~!@##@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@222222@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!$#@$@#$@#%@#$%@$%#!@#!@#!@#!@$#@$@%$$@#$!##$@#%#$%@#%$#^%

TheSadCupcake 0

Sounds fake to me - A) Why on earth would you and your family ignore it? I'm sure it would be much more embarassing for him to have to bring it up and/or fester in his own filth, and B) why on earth would your sister say that? Who smells that and instantly assumes someone's pooped rather than farted?

This kind of thing makes my heart hurt. :( Poor guy.

FMLinCA 12

totally not an FYL moment. your sister should've got smacked. but that was nice of your family to still try and sit through the meal, considering the state he was in. poor great grampy.