Do you even lift, bro?

By Anonymous - 11/08/2013 04:24 - United States

Today, while working out in the gym, I spotted a very attractive girl. I decided to pick up the heaviest dumbbell to show off how much I could curl. She ended up driving me to the hospital because I burst into tears after tearing up my bicep and deltoid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 575
You deserved it 66 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are other ways to impress a girl than picking up some heavy weights, which you can't.

lenamartinovic 13

At least you got a chance to spend time with her, even though you made a fool out of yourself!


At least she drived you to the hospital, i guess that's a good sign. Get better fast, OP.

Wizzlbang 10

there is not a single thing wrong with this comments and I don't understand why it has so many downvotes. "nurr they said "drived"", who ******* cares? They wished OP to get well soon, they're nice enough to be forgiven for that.

If they said "drived" and not "drove," then I'm pretty sure something's wrong with the comment.

I'm gonna make a guess and say English probably isn't his first language.

sematariux 7

50, I don't know why you or anyone else on this page designated themselves "the grammar police" in the first place, lay the **** off of people and get your panties un twisted.

Are you saying my son looks 3? Because he's actually only 7 months old. He's just a very healthy breastfed baby.

That's certainly a different way to pick up a girl. At least it could be an interesting story if you do end up together!

"Mommy, how did you meet daddy?" "He was screaming and writhing on the floor, honey."

sematariux 7

Still a better love story than Twilight

Whenever an FML mentions the OP attempting to "show off" in some way, you know almost immediately that it's an YDI.

Anyb0dyTh 8

Did you at least get her number on the way there?

And another man fallen victim to "the cute girl". YDI.

So you Need weights to Impress a Girl? YDI...

150493x 29

No girl likes a show off. YDI.

Unless she's the one showing off that is...

150493x 29

Personally I don't like it when either gender shows off. I see it as attention seeking. That's just me though. Everyone has their own opinion.

CharresBarkrey 15

Showing off is like peacocking. And you know who likes peacocking? Peacocks.

Lol . at least u got HER to drive u to the hospital. A blessing in disguise hope u made the most of it.