Do you even lift, bro?

By Anonymous - 11/08/2013 04:24 - United States

Today, while working out in the gym, I spotted a very attractive girl. I decided to pick up the heaviest dumbbell to show off how much I could curl. She ended up driving me to the hospital because I burst into tears after tearing up my bicep and deltoid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 575
You deserved it 66 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are other ways to impress a girl than picking up some heavy weights, which you can't.

lenamartinovic 13

At least you got a chance to spend time with her, even though you made a fool out of yourself!


There are so many otjer ways to impress girls

There are so many other ways to impress girls

How did you tear your deltoid doing a curl? I think you need to change your technique as well as your weight.

Well, he never said he actually got to the curl...

Reminded me of the scene in Anchorman when he's curling in his office to impress Veronica.

TheModernPatriot 14

Did you at least get her number?

secretkeeper911 4

heaviest dumbbell for the biggest dumbass. YDI

Dawnstempest 17

Me see pretty girl. Me thinks if me lift big rock, pretty girl like me. *Hrrrrrr* *Rippp* Me hurt, me need doctor.

devilsnitemare9 8

Hey but either way u got her attention

AMAZED I had to get down to 70 to find this comment.

Any true lifter on or off steroids would deem that a very bad move...

o_uhu_intrstng 4

how heavy was the weight? please tell me it was more than 20 pounds