DMV blues

By HellisLikeTheDMV - 13/07/2012 15:19 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I finally went to the DMV to replace my lost license. After waiting for almost two hours, I casually rummaged through my purse. Something strange inside the lining caught my eye. It was my license. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 691
You deserved it 27 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would think that's the first place you check?

Even though I'm not suppose to, I have an extra copy of my driver's license. I keep it in my car's glove box incase I forget my purse at home. It's come in handy.


perdix 29

While you are there, get a spare copy. Surely, you will soon lose one and you don't want to go back to the DMV. Also, get two spare sets of keys, so if you are looking for your keys with one set in each hand, you'll be able to find the third!

Why would you not check your purse for your license

theslimshadylp 6

Your fault always check your purse first. So YDI.

Omg my purse lining always snatches up stuff like that!

flutter4 7

I had one where the lining was torn and I had it safety pined and it always snatched my stuff lol

Girl rule # 5 : always dump out the contents of you purse when looking for missing things. Always.

Been there. Done that. That's actually girl rule #5 a. Whereas #5 b. is proceed to freak out to everyone and everything before thinking of something logical to do.

Ya know, you could get one of those "ugly organized purses" found on TV!

jake3292 5

Someone isn't very good at I spy

Blonde jokes stopped being funny a while ago.

That was funny but I agree they get old. But hey blondes of the world just forget the haters! It's ok for people to make jokes. Just don't let it bother you! I don't think blondes are dumb but I still think the jokes are funny! :D