DMV blues

By HellisLikeTheDMV - 13/07/2012 15:19 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I finally went to the DMV to replace my lost license. After waiting for almost two hours, I casually rummaged through my purse. Something strange inside the lining caught my eye. It was my license. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 691
You deserved it 27 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would think that's the first place you check?

Even though I'm not suppose to, I have an extra copy of my driver's license. I keep it in my car's glove box incase I forget my purse at home. It's come in handy.


efree303 0

Did anyone notice that its called the BMV not DMV. and I'm only 15 ydi's

ACTUALLY, it depends on where you live. Being that "D" and "B" are nowhere near eachother on the keyboard, I'd assume its not a typo... Durr. DMV is the DEPARTMENT of Motor Vehicles, which is the exact same thing as a BMV, and in Canada, they don't call it either of those. By the age of 15, you should know that there's different names for the same place /eyeroll

I'm in Florida and it's still called the DMV. I guess some States changed it but not all.(:

perdix 29

In Texas, it's called the DPS, the Department of Public Safety. I got a 4-hour long refresher course in DPS dynamics as I waited with my kid in a Kafka-esque number drawing scheme.

redhedsaysrawr 18

Yeah, im in Georgia, its called the DMV here so...

Did you find it BEFORE you paid for the extra? If so then you deserve the luck to find it! :-) If not then damn ain't that some s**t You still deserve it though >_

Purse: 1, You: 0... I think you should teach that little bastard a lesson.

Lol now you can have at home when u do actually lose it .

itskimHOLLA 0
iveanne 0

That happened to me a few years ago, only I found mine after I had left the DMV and stopped at a store to shop. It was buried deep within my wallet. Luckily my wait at the DMV wasn't too long. I still felt really stupid.

Woah! I wish I had a license that could turn invisible.

jayfreeman80 0

Wow OP you have many posts!!!! It is amazing how many FML occur in your life!! I hope things get better for you but they no doubt they will - Karrma is getting you!!!!!