
By Fail - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I thought I'd surprise my girlfriend with a bear hug. I found her in the hall with her back to me, talking to friends. As I walked up behind her and was about to wrap my arms around her, she said, "So… does anyone have any ideas about how I should break it off with my boyfriend?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 425
You deserved it 3 110

Same thing different taste

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Thoureau 0

I wonder what was said afterwards... "Uhhhh, Ismaeliqua..." "What, he's a ******* greasy-haired, pizza-faced loser who's made me fake it for him every time we've done it, but if I'm straightforward about it, he might go into a whinefest and kill himself." *Other friend points to you* "How is he behind me? I can smell his sweaty ass from space. Hell, I can smell him" *Turns to see you at the last part* "Hey sweetie! I didn't notice you there!" But yeah man, FYL.

malakian_fml 0

"least u don't have to go through that akward break up" - It sounded like a pretty damn awkward break up to me...


misfitgirl1988 0

D: Sorry...that really sucks. You should have cleared your throat or do something to let her know you were there. Then, be the one to break up with her. #29 - That would be nice if it were true. Hopefully the guy didn't go do anything crazy yet...maybe waited a bit until this cleared out. But if she was not joking, then that really is FYL.

You should have suggested telling you after a foursome with you and her friends. Then it could have at least ended on a high note.

D= sorry 4 u man. maybe she didnt deserve you.find someone better

xoluvinshayxo 0

chew it over with a twix(; then find a hurtful

Newberg_Rush 0
helpmeiamblind 0

Slap her face! Slap her in the face with your dick! DO IT! DO IT NOW!!!