
By Fail - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I thought I'd surprise my girlfriend with a bear hug. I found her in the hall with her back to me, talking to friends. As I walked up behind her and was about to wrap my arms around her, she said, "So… does anyone have any ideas about how I should break it off with my boyfriend?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 425
You deserved it 3 110

Same thing different taste

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Thoureau 0

I wonder what was said afterwards... "Uhhhh, Ismaeliqua..." "What, he's a ******* greasy-haired, pizza-faced loser who's made me fake it for him every time we've done it, but if I'm straightforward about it, he might go into a whinefest and kill himself." *Other friend points to you* "How is he behind me? I can smell his sweaty ass from space. Hell, I can smell him" *Turns to see you at the last part* "Hey sweetie! I didn't notice you there!" But yeah man, FYL.

malakian_fml 0

"least u don't have to go through that akward break up" - It sounded like a pretty damn awkward break up to me...


actress5698 1

bear hug her realllllt super hard and maybe u will rupture an organ

#31 yes that's when you say why can't you tell me about right now.then shell turn around and her face will get blush and shell mummble I have to go

mygiraffe 1
sk8trzero53 0

should have played it like you didnt hear, have sex one last time, blow it in her face then break up with her, she deserves it

hateevryone 14

surprise her ass by breaking up with her first

stupid next time give her some warning then give her the silent treatment the break it off with her................not that hard asshole

That really sucks. It kinda happened to me too. My girlfriend didn't have a phone so I was gonna text her ipod touch. Then I was about to send it when I got a text from her saying that she decided she was gonna break up with me and I'm right above one of her best friends Jen on her Ipod contacts.