But my grandbabiiiiiiiies

By Anonymous - 23/01/2016 09:21 - Australia - Canberra

Today, after the topic of grandkids came up yet again, my fiancé confessed that we've been having trouble conceiving. Later, I overheard his mum telling him to take my engagement ring back to the store and get a refund, because apparently I'm not worth marrying if I can't give him kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 019
You deserved it 1 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tarlax 11

Oh, she's one of those people who think the sole purpose of marriage or any relationship is to pump out kids. Give me a break.

Would-be grandmas blow everything out of proportion. So rude of her!


What a piece of crap. Hope your hubby doesn't take after her

It's so sad that anyone still thinks of women that way. :( Sorry, OP.

oldie_goldie 13

So rude, so wrong. It is only my personal feeling that the fiancee should have kept it shut or at least discuss it with you that he is going to tell the family about your troubles conceiving (it's not like it's any of their business, anyway). The groom-to-be sounds like a little slow and unsupportive, and the mother-in-law sounds like a nightmare. Sorry, OP, hope it works out for you, but I would put my money elsewhere.

sophie0908 16

Screw her, it's just as likely her son's nuts are the problem.

Tell her to butt out. She's almost as bad as this lady down the street. Found out she had a terminal illness and only has 5- years to live. She basically started pimping out her oldest daughter (only 13 yrs old) just so she can have grandbabies before she dies.

First of all, what a horrible woman your mother-in-law is, OP. She seems to be the kind of person who needs to control everyone, and is used to having everything her way. The important thing is that your fiancé sticks up for you at least ... My ex-boyfriend's mother was like that, we weren't even in our twenties and she was already making plans for our marriage and children, she even tried to get me baptised against my will for practical reasons (I am atheist and would consider it a bit of an insult to religion). I really do hope you manage to sort her out ... Secondly, as many people have said, when a couple can't conceive there is the prejudice that it's the woman's fault (of course it can't be her darling son's fault), whereas quite often it is to do with the man. She has no right to put pressure on you like that, whether she knows you are having a hard time or not. It's insulting, and I find it greedy and selfish, her son isn't marrying you for the sole purpose of "giving her" grandkids, although she may not be aware of it. Also, as some people have pointed out, the fact of nagging him to return the ring is really disgusting. It just proves her greediness, selfishness and that she is simply an awful person, materialistic and money-driven. She only sees what your marriage can bring her, even though it's none of her business and definitely not, even less about her. In conclusion to this long rant, good luck OP, really, I hope some sense gets knocked into her and that she will by some miracle keep herself out of your business !

First of all im sorry for you OP, second i accidently clicked you deserve it and would just like to say i dont think you do (hell its only 1 vote but never know what affect a small thing can have) so sorry about that ;_;!

Oh OP, I am so sorry. I too struggle with infertility and am thankful that my in-laws are very supportive of us and still love me even though I have been unable to produce children so far.

YesIamjudgingU 4

FFS, get married first. Seriously.

She's not worth your time. Sometimes the only logical move is to separate yourself from toxic people.