But my grandbabiiiiiiiies

By Anonymous - 23/01/2016 09:21 - Australia - Canberra

Today, after the topic of grandkids came up yet again, my fiancé confessed that we've been having trouble conceiving. Later, I overheard his mum telling him to take my engagement ring back to the store and get a refund, because apparently I'm not worth marrying if I can't give him kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 019
You deserved it 1 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tarlax 11

Oh, she's one of those people who think the sole purpose of marriage or any relationship is to pump out kids. Give me a break.

Would-be grandmas blow everything out of proportion. So rude of her!


To the people who hit "you deserved it" what's wrong with you?? How does she deserve that?? It's not her fault she is having trouble conceiving!! Anyone who wants a child hearing that is a nightmare not a "you deserve it"!!!

TweetAnne 13

Besides the future monster in law I hate how women are still seen as child bearers. What if one of you isn't ready for kids right now or ever? It's both of your decision and she needs to butt out. I get the, oh you've been married 3 years when are you having a child? People get outraged when I tell them I don't want kids. OP get married and enjoy it and then have kids. Don't let her get to you.

Hello, fellow childfree person! It pisses me off no end that people just expect other people to start having kids as soon as possible. Heaven ******* forbid we actually enjoy life the way we want to!

It sounds like she actually does want kids though. Maybe they've been together for a long time and decided to get married because they wanted children. Actually wanting children and having trouble conceiving probably makes her mother in law's intrusive comments even more hurtful.

It would make it more hurtful. Took me 7 years to get pregnant, and I got the "when are you having kids? you've been married for so long now" all the time. And then as soon as my daughter was born, I got the "so, when are you having another one?" People need to keep their noses out of other people's affairs. Especially ones of such a personal nature. It is no ones business whether or not a couple wants a dozen kids, no kids, or a herd of fur babies, and people need to realize how hurtful their intrusions can be in any of the situations. My mom try's to make my younger brother feel bad, or like he doesn't know what he actually wants, because he doesn't want kids. And my sister had 3 babies by the time I managed to have one, so between the constant comments from people on the lack of children I had (even knowing we were having trouble) and the ease in which my sister had, it hurt to the point that I began to resent these people, and even the kids. TL;DR: People need to mind their own god damned business. End rant

TweetAnne 13

@45 the stress of wanting or not a wanting a child could be the reason they aren't able to conceive. It's not just about intercourse but mentally as well. One of them might not be truly ready hence why they are having trouble. When there's too much pressure our bodies don't function as they're supposed to. Also as many have pointed out one of them could be Infertile and should seek medical advise.

65, There's so many reasons a couple could be unable to conceive, suggesting it can be narrowed down to one of them just not wanting it enough is a bit unfair.

Maybe he is the problem. Hopefully it will happen for you. If not, adoption is always an amazing option

That's not true OP. Confront her about what she said

you know guys can have fertility problems too. people are so quick to point fingers at the woman. I hope his mom shuts up and let's you two run your own relationship.

Omg, that happened to me a couple of years ago

Maybe her perfect little son is the problem. Why is it always seen as the woman's problem when a couple are bro able to conceive

Wow. This tops my friend who's mom would often say "why couldn't you just get drunk at a party and knock a girl up so I could be a grandma?" I'd always thought that she was the most baby-hungry gramma ever, but you found a worst one!

LOL omg! your poor friend :O hahah that's horrible

What the hell? I don't even get what the grandparents get that much from having grandchildren. Most of the times you don't see your grandparents that often and all the work goes to the parents.

what a horrible thing to say. she's a bitch. I'm sorry you had to hear something so ridiculous LOL poor woman..has to live her life with a brain like that

She sounds like the type of person that you wouldn't want around your kids anyway.

For sure she sounds the kind of person that would talk big shit to the kids about their mother at any occasion. Disgusting.