But my grandbabiiiiiiiies

By Anonymous - 23/01/2016 09:21 - Australia - Canberra

Today, after the topic of grandkids came up yet again, my fiancé confessed that we've been having trouble conceiving. Later, I overheard his mum telling him to take my engagement ring back to the store and get a refund, because apparently I'm not worth marrying if I can't give him kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 019
You deserved it 1 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tarlax 11

Oh, she's one of those people who think the sole purpose of marriage or any relationship is to pump out kids. Give me a break.

Would-be grandmas blow everything out of proportion. So rude of her!


Fertilization clinics, adoption... Plenty of other options. She must be crazy.

if he really wants to marry you, he won't listen to her advice. There's other ways to have kids besides conceiving them.

Your mother in law (or anyone else who it doesn't affect) has no right to know whether or not you're having baby-making sex with your partner. Next time she tries to pry it's perfectly reasonable to let her know that it's something you don't have to share with her, if that's what you'd prefer. I've had to gently tell people (thankfully not my parents or in-laws) that my plans for children are none of their business, even if I am married. It's a pain but it's much easier than letting them make me feel like a walking baby factory.

She's a Bitch. That's no reason to end an engagement, I'm most likely to have a problem conceiving myself but that doesn't mean my SO is going to dump me. Some people. SMH.

If you can overhear her, then tell her to **** off. Then tell her you'll take the ring back yourself, because she's not a MIL you'd want to have anyway.

Bairseach 6

That was way out of line. Its not the 18th century anymore and you and your fiance's attempts to have kids is none of her business. Sorry, OP. Hope everything works out for you, and that soon-to-be monster-in-law learns not to butt in where she doesn't belong.

Well she's rude but hey our whole existence was made to reproduce and pass down our genes and all

Op she's just being snitch because she can't give her love and help raise children. She'll get over it eventually.

Hey OP I'm do sorry you were treated that way, I hope that your fiance is more understanding and supportive. I just wanted to offer some advice in regards to your having difficulty conceiving. I know a lot of women will spend thousands of dollars on IVF. But I would suggesthink you try acupuncture!

Wowww Even if you guys broke off the engagement Why would he expect that you would give the ring back? I would keep it to **** over the mom