Blast from the past

By fat_thighs - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I read a PostSecret that said, "I'm afraid my thighs will start to touch soon." My thighs have always touched. I didn't even know thighs weren't supposed to touch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 920
You deserved it 11 952

Top comments

this isn't so bad really. your thighs touching doesn't mean you're fat or anything.

I bet her thighs never touched cause there's always a guy in between them!


I'm on the same boat as #23. My thighs don't touch, but you should see how much I eat. I am NOT anorexic. So stop assuming things like that. Just because someone's thighs don't touch doesn't mean they have an eating disorder. Now, I AM skinny, but I'm young and have no idea if weight has anything to do with this.

LittleMel4 0

ok it's not true that your thighs need to touch. I am 5'2" and about 112 and have a "booty" and hips and I have that small gap at the top of my thighs. tho it's ironic cause years ago my friend told me I was not fat cause my thighs did not touch

I don't think they're talking about the small gap so much as the thighs not touching AT ALL. I consider myself fat, but even I have the little upside-down-triangle looking gap where my thighs meet my torso. However, my thighs do touch after that. I think that most people have the gap to some extent, but it gets to the not so normal point when the thighs never touch at all.

#21, #43 and others- It's not the fact that her thighs don't touch that gives her a disorder, it's the fact that she's afraid of them touching that does.

wow. since when did fml become a site for insecure people to seek counseling? this fml is completely retarded

hahayou12345 0

That's complete rubbish. My thighs touch and I'm definitely not fat. It just goes to show how everyone is becoming more obsessed with the 'waif' complex. Being skinny is NOT 'in'. And to be honest, it's not very attractive either. Curvy is definitely best. Some people would die for curves, really.

also, your thighs rubbing depends on your build and body shape. i have very narrow-set hips, so even though i am a more petite girl, my legs still rug, and i still wear holes in my jeans from it. but it's been like that since i was a 90 pound 12 year old. no big thing. :)

also, whether they rub or not, no big deal! that's how you were made, that's who you are, and you should love yourself regardless. (i know that's hard to do sometimes, but it's good to get in the habit of loving ourselves for our beauty, not hating ourselves for our flaws. everyone's got 'em.)

#15 is right, there are so many body types out there and people are obsessed with fitting into just one mold instead of being themselves. There are bigger people who still have the thigh gap, and then there are skinny people whose hips are closer together and the thighs touch... who cares?

Am I the only one who agrees that this is an FML? Seriously my thighs don't touch but they've come close to it and that's when I've buckled down and exercised so that they don't. I'm not anorexic or obsessed with the way my body looks but I like the gap. And yes it's true that some people's thighs touch because of the muscle mass there, but for the most part (especially in girls) it's fat. And it sucks. And wearing a cute dress to the bar with thighs that touch just isn't the same.

51. this past summer, i played beach volleyball for hours every day. i ran 3 times a week. i ate like a health freak. i was awfully skinny, and some people confronted me and said that they were worried for me. not *once* did my thighs not rub. its doesn't matter how much you exercise or not, because people hips are different. some are wider set, some are narrower, like mine. either way, IT'S OK.