Blast from the past

By fat_thighs - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I read a PostSecret that said, "I'm afraid my thighs will start to touch soon." My thighs have always touched. I didn't even know thighs weren't supposed to touch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 920
You deserved it 11 952

Top comments

this isn't so bad really. your thighs touching doesn't mean you're fat or anything.

I bet her thighs never touched cause there's always a guy in between them!


Virgin_Tea 0

I find it disgusting when thighs don't touch... Mine have always touched... I read this too, and I was just like, um, okay, anorexic much? I swear, people are WAY into appearances these days. It gets annoying.

Well my thighs don't touch and I'm not super skinny. i'm 5' 8" and 145lbs

My thighs don't touch and I'm not super skinny and I work out. I'm 5'8" and 145 lbs

shaniecerb 0

i am hella skinny but thats not bkuz i starve myself.i just have a super fast metabolism

I find it disgusting when people make over-generalizations and are unnecessarily rude. My thighs don't touch and I'm far from being anorexic. I'm just naturally thin. I don't think it's "disgusting" and I don't think it's very nice for you to say it is.

I find people like you disgusting. My thighs don't touch. I am a perfectly normal weight. I, for one, do NOT have low self esteem so I can say with confidence that my thigh gap is NOT disgusting. How dare you call someone anorexic for being skinnier than you, or for having a different bone structure. You're an ass.

You would have to be increadably thin and have no thigh muscles at all for that to happen. I hope whoever wrote the secret is getting some help.

Don't feel bad about yourself. The person who wrote the secret has an eating disorder.

Dabookofnothing 0

to sum it up thats not much of an fml now is it?

mine never touched and i'm 21 and i eat regular meals and tonnes of chocolate. some people are naturally skinny and stay that way, and some people have more meat on them, and some people are fatter. i have never seen any of these body types as a good thing or a bad thing: why does everyone have to be classified as either anorexic or obese? i wish people would realise that if they're healthy, and their body is not stopping thing from doing what they want, then there is nothing wrong with them.

fashion_lover 0

Just wanted to make a point, respectful of everyone else's opinions on the matter, that while many people have thighs that do touch, it may not necessarily mean that one has an eating disorder if they don't. While I concede that it is probably likely in many many cases, there are other reasons that one has a gap. It could just be because they're naturally very petite and/or slim (you know, like the people we all hate that eat whatever they want but seem to stay the same weight naturally). Others may exercise crazy amounts because it's what they like to do, which maintains freakishly toned bodies. My point is that it just seems a little pre-emptive to automatically assume that if one's thighs don't touch, it is because they have an eating disorder. Still, the fact that the person sent in this Postsecret makes it seems like it's one of their worst fears or something, in which case it's a whole different scenario that coould indicate a deeper meaning.

Most of the people I know whose thighs don't touch are slightly bowlegged ( as well as slim). Not attractive.

Now because someone is bowlegged, they're not attractive? People need to get a grip and quit being so judgemental.

oooh_dear 0

when your thighs touch. thats not bad. doesnt mean your fat. it means your normal. now when your calves touch. THATS when you should be concerned.

caomei 0

umm, my calves touch... and I'm not that fat. I just have really fat legs but I'm 5'7" and weigh almost 150 lbs

I saw that postsecret too. It's absolutely absurd. My thighs have been "touching" for as long as I can remember. It's perfectly normal, so that kid must have an eating disorder of some sorts.

this is the most fucken retarded fml i have ever read