Blast from the past

By fat_thighs - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I read a PostSecret that said, "I'm afraid my thighs will start to touch soon." My thighs have always touched. I didn't even know thighs weren't supposed to touch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 920
You deserved it 11 952

Top comments

this isn't so bad really. your thighs touching doesn't mean you're fat or anything.

I bet her thighs never touched cause there's always a guy in between them!


mine have always touched! i wouldn't worry about it. and i have to agree with everyone that said it doesn't necessarily indicate an eating disorder. i'm healthy, don't plan on changing my diet anytime soon, but of course i wish my thighs didn't touch sometimes. it's annoying and uncomfortable when it's hot outside and i want to wear shorts or a skirt.

This person clearly didn't understand the secret.

kellum 0

dont worry. my thighs touch! always have.its normal!

That post secret made me go into a very deep depression.

buffalosaurus 0

What? I didn't know they were not supposed to touch either. Weird. I guess the only thing we can do is start walking with our legs spread really far apart.

I actually become concerned and slightly sick when I look at women whose thighs don't touch. You see those skinny heifers walkin' around with a fist-sized gap between their legs....It makes my stomach roll over. If your thighs touch and you don't feel like you have a weight problem then all is right with the world.

i saw that one too. the picture that went along with it was of a disgustingly skinny girl with flimsy little chicken legs. i think the creator of it was just pointing out an aspect of her body image disorder that worries her. trust me, my thighs have always touched, and my legs were the first physical part of me my fiance was turned on by.

I am tall and normally sized (5'9, 135), but because of my hip width, there is no touching, usually. It depends if I gain weight but I I think it's more normal than not for them to touch on most peoples' frames.

Thighs are awesome. They are so powerful, ever notice that? who gives a shit if they touch or not. at least you can use them. the ones who are so worried about the size of their legs don't get to do any of the fun stuff.