Assigned bald at birth

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out I'm balding faster than my dad. I'm 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 330
You deserved it 3 254

Top comments

shewasalmost18 0



if yoo get bald earlier in life in means you have more testostorone :P

Jamila_fml 0

I say, so what. Plenty of girls (even I know) love the bald thing. Shoot, I think it's pretty hot. This is not a FML. It just sounds like your complaining that your losing your hair faster than your dad. He just got lucky. You'll live.

Mag_The_Chodja 0

Oh, man. xD I feel your pain, bro. Same thing's happening to me. My dad's, like, 44 and he's just -barely- starting up a receding hairline. I'm just 22, and I have to work at hiding it. To the rest of you who think like #30, you couldn't possibly understand how it feels to start losing your hair. Most women don't even notice this shit, and some don't even care, but just the same way that women think their jeans make them look fat, we can't get over the balding thing. It takes years to get comfortable and to learn not to care anymore. It doesn't help if your self-esteem is already shitholed to begin with. Chin up, bro. You'll stop caring sooner or later.

I started balding about that time, but it stopped where my dad's had stopped. You should work out to develop a good body and polish your dick so it's shiny. Girls like a shiny dick.

Crystalyo 0

"Girls like a shiny dick." Are you being serious Plexico? Haha if a guy had a shiny dick, I'd think that there was something seriously wrong with him :D

Crystalyo, I was joking about the shiny dick thing. I thought that if I threw in the wisdom about my experience and the good advice about improving one's physique, I could get away with something batshit crazy.

Mm.. shiny dick. S'like if you're sucking on it and pull your lips back you can check if there's anything in your teeth! .. Like pubes. Oh what the **** do you have me talking about!?

drkwlf, Pull back your lips and check your teeth. . . for bits of chrome plating! Keep workin' it, though!

I'm getting grey hair and I'm a 15 year old guy

that's nothing, I was born with patches of gray hair. As I got older, my hair darkened making the gray hair more noticeable.

Dude, I was born with grey hair so I don't think its that bad. Nothing a bit of hair dye can't sort ;D

prettykitty123 0

Ha I'm sorry that sucks. But you really shouldn't be compairig your hair to your dads hair. Your mother is the one who give you your balding gene soo look at her hair and your grandmothers hair

baldness is passed on through the mother's side, so yeah FYL

Mag_The_Chodja 0

To Hell with psychotherapy! Get me -this- duder's phone number. He do so goooood. You're a douche, dude. xD Very considerate of you.