Assigned bald at birth

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out I'm balding faster than my dad. I'm 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 330
You deserved it 3 254

Top comments

shewasalmost18 0



spazzycre 0

seems alot like this FML

Prob'ly because there are a lot of guys who go bald at an early age

rustyrox 0

you've got to use rogaine or something like it so you can keep what you've got!

Dude just shave it and stay ahead of the game, you're gonna stress yourself out more trying to prevent it from happening

Try Nioxin ... I bought it at the Hair Cuttery for $40 and it's guaranteed to work. I'm 22 and it's worked for me.

o.o I'm in school for hairdressing. The only things I can recommend is DON'T wash your hair everyday (it's bad for it) wash it every other day. And so far, the only things that are ACTUALLY proven to help with hairloss is Minoxidil, it's a cream you rub on your head, twice a day. The other one is Finasteride. Its a pill, and has side effects.

fmlcrycrycryfml 0

if you're balding, your dad shouldn't be balding. balding skips a generation, so your grandfather on your mother's side should be bald if you're balding WAITT NVM lol yea u can be bald that sux

Why on earth have 555 people put YDI so far. He can't control his geentics can he?

Dude pay a visit to a decent trichologist, ur still young and he may be able to stop further hair loss. If not, its all good in the hood, the laydiez are ok with a shaved head. Just dont be insecure about it!

itsgen 16

i hate to say but you might have a disease

If you're going bald the best thing to do IMO is embrace it. I started balding when I was 13 (alopacia areata) and started shaving my head when I was 22 because the spots got big enough to notice (started out the size of a burn from spitting grease, and started shaving when they got to be the size of a quarter). And truth be told since I started shaving my head I've felt more confident about myself, don't have to pay for haircuts or shampoo (saves me a good $400/year, and a lot of ladies like it... not all of them, but a good 75% of them that I know.