You tried

By Anonymous - 10/06/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, I offered my seat to an elderly lady on the subway. She quietly refused. Minutes later on a sharp turn, she almost fell down on two people. As I was clearly the youngest in the disability seating section, everyone on the train turned and glared at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 726
You deserved it 3 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think you deserved this. I mean, she didn't want to sit down and you did offer up your seat. The other people around could have offered up their seat too.

That sucks, being glared at because someone else refused to accept your help. FYL


Nothing funnier then old people falling. If she refused it's her own fault

Like 42, I'd have stood up anyway. She doesn't have to take the seat, but at least the offer is there; and plus people would clearly see you offer. Usually, actually, I stand up while loudly offering. Why? They're more likely to take the seat if you make sure you say it loudly. It's just human conditioning. I think it works by embarrassing them a little, because if you are being loud, others will hear and look.

peopleplz2008 0

they could have offered. What a bunch of pricks. FYL

soccergirl37 0

If there are no disabled people on the bus, then people should be able to sit on the disabled seats. If a person comes on, they should immediately offer their seat. OP offered, it's the lady's fault.

Well... pride comes before the fall. =D

mehwhateverr 0

Why would they glare at you? Wow, they sound like jerks. I mean, couldn't they give up their seats for her? FYL, OP.

UsingLogic 0

#31 Just shut up or go help some old people instead of bashing people here. Hypocrite.

unkinged44 0

that's when you yell really loudly: "MAIM, ARE YOU SURE YOU DON'T WANT MY SEAT NOW?!" thats how u do it #20 good job