You kinda deserved that one

By hlev24 - 03/03/2009 00:11 - United States

Today, I was walking down the street when a homeless man asked me for some spare change. I told him I didn't have any. I then tripped. Not only spilling the soda I was drinking all over myself, but also spilling the spare change I had from buying it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 171
You deserved it 110 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh come on. How many of you guys ignore the hobo when you walk down the street? A lot of them buy drugs and booze with it anyway

Bloody homeless people, spending their money on drugs and alcohol!!!.......Exactly what I do with my money. What do you expect them to do with your spare change? Save up, buy a coffee table from Ikea to go in their cardboard living room???


tomorrowbroadway 0

#66, No to everything you just said. They CAN afford rehab, at least in the United States, because the cost of rehab is FREE. You admit yourself to a hospital, and the state absorbs whatever costs your insurance won't pay (which is probably %100 if you're homeless). My cousin is a social worker in Philadelphia, and part of her job is to walk around and get homeless people into these programs. There is plenty for everyone, and if those homeless people WANT to go to rehab, they can. (This is not to say that all homeless people are drug addicts or are mentally ill. I'm simply saying those who are DO have options other than begging and the spending the money on drugs or alcohol.)

whattheeff 0

karma at its greatest. lmfao.

Spitfire_fml 0

why in the world wouldnt you give them the change? u totally deserved that

reggaelovecm 0

hey man don't stereotype hobos as all of them are drug addicts/alcholohics. times are tough... and to the fml... that's what we call karma haha especially when it's IN YOUR HAND

Don't feel bad, that change wasn't spare if you still had a use for it in the future. If you always feel bad for not giving the homeless money, you'll always give, and you'll never have money of your own saved up.