You kinda deserved that one

By hlev24 - 03/03/2009 00:11 - United States

Today, I was walking down the street when a homeless man asked me for some spare change. I told him I didn't have any. I then tripped. Not only spilling the soda I was drinking all over myself, but also spilling the spare change I had from buying it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 171
You deserved it 110 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh come on. How many of you guys ignore the hobo when you walk down the street? A lot of them buy drugs and booze with it anyway

Bloody homeless people, spending their money on drugs and alcohol!!!.......Exactly what I do with my money. What do you expect them to do with your spare change? Save up, buy a coffee table from Ikea to go in their cardboard living room???


0___0,'re a dick! hope you lose your home in this economy you ******.

#40 Hobo: Migrant - transient - Traveler Bum: Homeless person As for the Christian crap, you're right. It should be anyone that helps someone else out. From a secular crazy white haired man: "Only a life lived for others is worth living” - Albert Einstein

#39 : "it doesn't exist" oh please, just sh** the f**k up. How can you even say something like that, while being christian? That's just stupid.

tomorrowbroadway 0

#30, I am a Christian, but I am also aware of the fact that there are many places for homeless people to better themselves. If they ask me for food, I will buy them a hot dog. If they ask me for help, I will try my best. But I will never give a homeless person money, because honestly, spending it on alcohol and drugs is not going to help them, and while I'm not saying that every homeless person will spend it on these things, it is definitely an option which will NOT help them improve their situations. Tl;dr, If you really want to help, find the homeless person a program that will rehabilitate them, teaching them life skills and helping them to find a job. You know, teaching to fish and all that jazz. And #43, karma has nothing to do with Christianity...?

#44 : Of course it doesn't. but if someone believe in sh*t, he shouldn't say about "karma" that "it doesn't exist"..

Here is an idea - with this economy, its not always someones fault they lost it all. And even if it is they are still a human - how about some compassion people. You don't want to give them change? Fine. Go inside w/ that extra change you have and buy them a fiber bar. OH and Karma exists, its just the mass majority of people have no real concept of what Karma really is. Karma doesn't mean you do something good and something good will automatically happen to you. Nor does it mean if you do something wrong, something wrong will automatically happen to you. The idea of Karma goes along the lines of (and this is a vague explination) when you do something positive, or think positively then positive energy surrounds you. Positive things happen to you THEN because positive energy is attracted to positive energy. The same goes with negative. Negative energy attracts more negative energy. So while you cutting off someone on the road may not mean you're guaranteed to get into a car wreck later, your reckless driving could lead to that - but it has nothing to do with karma. Thats just your shitty driving. The KARMA comes into play when everyone around you treats you like crap because no one likes the energy you're giving off and you negatively impact those around you. @39 - you're expecting a bogus christain belief to apply to a theory that is related to Eastern religions, not western. Obviously christianity is totally bogus too, by YOUR logic, cause your god would be smiting people left and right now wouldnt he - if people were so terrible, why not turn them back into salt... right... makes tons of sense - so by your logic, christianity is bogus as well. Karma makes WAY MORE logical sense than your religion.

Edmund_Dantes 0

I notice that all the people who say "you shouldn't give beggars money, they'll just use it on drugs" are the same ones who won't look a beggar in the eye.

Here's an idea. You're ALL stupid. How's that? My god. "WHAT YOU DIDNT GIVE MONEY TO A HOMELESS GUY?! WHAT THE **** YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON GO DIE" He doesn't have to give money to beggars if he doesn't want to.

Proverbs 6:6-10, 19:15; I Corinthians 3:8; I Timothy 5:18 Read up for all of you knocking us Christians for not helping the homeless on the street. The Bible talks about giving to and feeding the poor, but it also talks about working and toiling and slothfulness is one of the "Seven Deadly Sins". The Puritans were onto something regarding their work ethic. Bottom line: If you don't work, or at least put forth SOME contribution, you don't eat. Moreover, I give to the homeless every payday when my taxes go towards gov't programs designed to help them. If they don't take advantage of it, then it's their problem, not mine.