You kinda deserved that one

By hlev24 - 03/03/2009 00:11 - United States

Today, I was walking down the street when a homeless man asked me for some spare change. I told him I didn't have any. I then tripped. Not only spilling the soda I was drinking all over myself, but also spilling the spare change I had from buying it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 171
You deserved it 110 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh come on. How many of you guys ignore the hobo when you walk down the street? A lot of them buy drugs and booze with it anyway

Bloody homeless people, spending their money on drugs and alcohol!!!.......Exactly what I do with my money. What do you expect them to do with your spare change? Save up, buy a coffee table from Ikea to go in their cardboard living room???


It's generally not the best idea to give a homeless person money (Of course you never know who is scamming), but what is up with all these people who hate the homeless so much? I know people who have been, and it wasn't their fault, just a spot of bad luck. Scammers are irritating, but not every person who is homeless is lazy and stupid. With that said, I never have change, I always use my debit card for everything.

You REALLY deserved that. Just so you know. @#2 a hobo is a person who rides freight trains, just so you know. Most of the hobos I've known (I've known many) had real homes, didn't beg for change, etc. They were all either hopeless drunks or junkies, but most of the successful yuppie A-hole types I've known were the same way. Maybe I just attract drug people or something... Anyhoo, I'm sure we could find a straight edge hobo that's never asked anyone for anything if we looked long enough. Of course, the whole point of this to me is what we choose to see and what we choose to ignore. I cosign on #94, on everything except spelling. Pass that thing this way and I'll let you use my dictionary for a minute. But really, everyone on this thread that thinks homeless people should be ignored, or that someone begging for change is doing it because they are lazy (Standing around on a sidewalk with a cup and getting treated like a lazy piece of shit is a lot easier than working a job, sure. Right. Have you ever tried it?) - I'd like you to ask yourself if you've ever been able to land a job when you didn't have a phone or legal address? Have you ever been without a phone or legal address? There's the line in the sand. You can go ahead and play for team asshole if you want to, it's your life, but if you don't know what it's like to have zero resources, nowhere to go and no one to help you, you should STFU right Fing now. I would ask you all if you realize that it's much easier to get a gun than a job. All of the spare-changers should just give up the nice guy stuff and start robbing you shameless yuppie jerks.

LysssNysss 1

Shut up about Karma. That is probably what got the man homeless. He probably slacked off, got fired, then got his house taken away. Seriously, stop saying that the OP deserved it, because the homeless guy did. Homeless people could end up being really scary. Some could probably have weapons they find, or they could jump you for money. They don't always beg. My sister was jumped by a homeless guy. He took her shirt and purse, and left her walking home in the cold. I don't give money to homeless people. A few cents aren't going to help him in any way. Any homeless person would need thousands of dollars to get a real home. If I see any homeless people, I avoid them. They'd either beg for money or take it by force. And so what if we don't want to spend our money? We need it too. We actually worked for our money. They just sat there and asked. WE deserve OUR hard earned money.

LysssNysss 1

Don't get me wrong, I think the homeless should get money. If I really wanted to give someone money, it would be to my local church or one of those soup kitchens or homeless organizations. I don't give money to homeless people directly.

I love how people assume that as soon as money turns into coin form instead of notes it becomes redundant and "spare".

Mikebiff19632 0

Why couldnt you have just given him the spare change from the soda, or even spare a dollar.

I don't think most hobos deserve money after all the scams I've heard about in real life and on FML!

LOL i bet that made the homeless guy's day.