You have the same voice!

By EternalBlossom - 14/07/2015 05:03 - United States

Today, I had decided that I was ready to have sex with my boyfriend. So, I called him and told him how naughty I felt, only to realize that I had called my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 513
You deserved it 24 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he didn't say, "Who's your daddy?" in return.

I still wonder how people manage to do this.


It depends on what you mean by "naughty" :p

How many different meanings are there of the word naughty?

foxmatrix15 8

How did you manage this seriously does your fathers voice sound the same as your boyfriend? Did he not answer hello? Do you have some Oedipus complex?

I feel like a nerd for knowing this, but the term for a female competing sexually with her mother for possession of her father is called the electra complex.

Her dads contact name is probably daddy and her bf name is daddy I bet

Ouuuucchhh.... Sorry op, your life sucks but you'd think that for something that personal you'd double check everything yknow? Maybe I'm just being paranoid haha

Lolllll. Same thing happened to me but it was a text to my dad. I wont lie to you out was extremely embarrassing.

How far into this conversation did you get before you realized it was your dad? Was it just "I'm feeling naughty", or did you start going into details? I feel like you could play it off some sort of way if it was just the first, but otherwise, expect a chastity belt for Christmas in July.