You have the same voice!

By EternalBlossom - 14/07/2015 05:03 - United States

Today, I had decided that I was ready to have sex with my boyfriend. So, I called him and told him how naughty I felt, only to realize that I had called my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 513
You deserved it 24 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he didn't say, "Who's your daddy?" in return.

I still wonder how people manage to do this.


That's why you shouldn't name your bf contact as Daddy...

The only possible explanation I can think of for this is if the bf's name is Dan or something close to "dad" God I hope that's the reason...

...and now your not ready again after that stunt

boydope420 8

that must of been one awkward phone call

how can you not tell their voices apart??

That's why you don't call your boyfriend daddy

how could you look at your dad now?

Tsukiyomi 16