
By Anonymous - 12/11/2010 12:07 - Sweden

Today, I was late for work and got chewed out by my boss. To console myself I decided to drink a cup of coffee and a cup of tea. My work provides this for free. When I did, my boss told me that in fact it wasn't, nor has it ever been, free; all this time I've been stealing other people's coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 876
You deserved it 32 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Coffee AND tea?!?! Quit screwing around and just go get some crystal meth!

gusgus36 5

oops! that sucks... you would think it would have been more obvious if it wasn't free. or maybe it is free and your boss is just coming up with more ways to wreck your day.. :(


nerdwithagun 0

Time to wake up and smell the coffee.

how do you manage to steal other people's coffee? You see it unattended on a desk and think you can just take it? WTF? If there is a coffee machine that doesn't say you have to pay for the coffee.. then i can understand.. but i don't think this is the case... so YDI

If is anything like where I work, there is a cupboard where some people put their own coffee and tea , and a nearby kettle, and fridge for milk etc, if OP thought this stuff was provided by work, and not brought in by a coworker ....

FYL. What kind of company doesn't give its employees free tea and coffee?!? Even my worst job ever at least gave free tea and coffee. You should drink heaps and heaps of coffee, quit, and on your way out take a huge coffee laden runny dump on your boss's desk.

chewed out.....is it just me, or does that sound wrong.......??

HeyLookOverThere 3

At least you know for next time. And by the way, you used a semicolon on FML. That makes you officially awesome in my book.

what type of job doesnt offer free coffee? OP, your boss is a douchebag.

Why would you need a cup or coffee AND a cup of tea? I could understand a cup of coffee OR a cup of tea, but both?

yosico22 16

Wow that sucks. I would't mind people getting some of the coffee I take to work. Karma is good also.