
By Anonymous - 12/11/2010 12:07 - Sweden

Today, I was late for work and got chewed out by my boss. To console myself I decided to drink a cup of coffee and a cup of tea. My work provides this for free. When I did, my boss told me that in fact it wasn't, nor has it ever been, free; all this time I've been stealing other people's coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 876
You deserved it 32 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Coffee AND tea?!?! Quit screwing around and just go get some crystal meth!

gusgus36 5

oops! that sucks... you would think it would have been more obvious if it wasn't free. or maybe it is free and your boss is just coming up with more ways to wreck your day.. :(


skyeyez9 24

At my job, there is a container to donate money to buy coffee. Us employees supply the coffee in the break room. You are that one guy/girl who always drinks it and never puts any money in the box. 

lilykat84 4

meh no big deal. I sometimes get coffee from my work and "forget" to pay :D

if that pic is really of you, your an epic tool.

in the USA you would be known as "the office douchebag".

Xx_jESSii 3

So Op you were late for work because your boss was busy chewing you out?