What the **** does this mean, dude?

By Anonymous - 16/10/2013 17:37 - United States - Romulus

Today, I found out my handwriting is so bad that people think I write in Arabic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 388
You deserved it 10 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People don't even think I'm literate when I write

TheDrifter 23

It's all Fun and games until you end up on a terrorist watch list.


perdix 29

Don't they see you writing from left to right? Do they think you're so smart that you can write Arabic backwards?

Maybe they just look at the final result. They're not necessarily watching every single move his hands are making.

Plus who knows if everybody's aware arabic is written from right to left, I wouldn't overestimate people.

candyycurnn 10

You have a doctors handwriting. You should become a doctor, no one can ever read what they write.

That's so no one can read their plans to slip a poison in their patients med list.

lol don't listen to them! Everyone has different handwriting :)

That's worst than .... *Gulp* (and deeper voice)..... DOCTOR HANDWRITING!!!! *girl screams*

Doctor handwriting Sounds like a super villain name

you could be dyslexic dysgraphic (although dyslexia is in the name, it's not necessarily to do with reading). Get yourself tested for dyslexia and see if anything can be done to help. As someone who has dyslexic dysgraphia, the best tip I can give is to write each letter separately instead of in cursive. And write slowly rather than fast as symptoms become more apparent when you write quickly (for example you might write a H in the shape of a W).

1dvs_bstd 41

wouldn't hurt using it as an excuse to actually learn arabic..

graceinsheepwear 33

I ate Mexican food the other day. Maybe I should use that as an excuse to learn Spanish.

Nothing wrong with expanding your communication skills. Bet your guy wouldn't mind if you moaned-- ¡Papi chulo yo quiero tu grande enchilada en mi boca!

1dvs_bstd 41

mi hambre es bombero tirantes

Aussieinusa 5

I bet one of you used Google translate ;-)

Rainhawk94 27
wolfman2123 13

At least you now you don't have to learn a second language anymore