What the **** does this mean, dude?

By Anonymous - 16/10/2013 17:37 - United States - Romulus

Today, I found out my handwriting is so bad that people think I write in Arabic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 388
You deserved it 10 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People don't even think I'm literate when I write

TheDrifter 23

It's all Fun and games until you end up on a terrorist watch list.


any chance you're planning on being a doctor?

That means you are very smart people with messier handwriting write worse because they think faster

Well, coming from someone who works in the medical field, at least your writing looks like writing.

knick64 7

Once I was writing and a girl came up to me. She asked: "OMG are you writing in like, Mexican??!!" Two things wrong with that...

apagdilao 5

All of my friends have actually told me this as well :c

You should use that to your advantage...say your bilingual, and just smile and then take you and your beautiful handwriting away somewhere else before they can ask you any questions;P