What ARE you doing?

By mountains - 19/11/2012 00:47 - United States - Pembroke

Today, I awoke in the midst of the night to find my half-naked dad drunkenly arguing with the microwave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 034
You deserved it 1 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The microwave was asking for it! Did you hear that tone it used when it beeped? It's lucky your father didn't give it the beating it deserved. Stupid ******* smug appliances.

Are you sure he was drunk? I'm always up for an argument with inanimate objects.


Kallian_fml 21

My dad got into a half-naked drunken argument with a cactus once. I made no attempt to break it up. Hours of thorny entertainment.

And lucky it was the microwave; I have found the toaster packs a meaner punch! 0.o

Who won? Those microwaves can be tricky.

Things must have got really heated... Crap edit didn't see that already

SApprentice 34

... Your dad just might be an alcoholic, OP. You have my sympathy. I hope you're not underage and trapped with him.

SApprentice 34

3- At least she was wearing her knickers. Please ignore this comment. I sincerely ****** up and forgot to hit the reply button. I'm a moron.

KM96 24

**** the toaster! Do you know how heated the stove gets when you bring up Obama? That thing turns red because its a republican, not cuze it's hot! (Please don't start a political debate, my comment is not meant to say anything about Obama or republicans)

Well microwaves are assholes always just there in the kitchen staring at you, wanting you to use them and stuff.