What ARE you doing?

By mountains - 19/11/2012 00:47 - United States - Pembroke

Today, I awoke in the midst of the night to find my half-naked dad drunkenly arguing with the microwave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 034
You deserved it 1 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The microwave was asking for it! Did you hear that tone it used when it beeped? It's lucky your father didn't give it the beating it deserved. Stupid ******* smug appliances.

Are you sure he was drunk? I'm always up for an argument with inanimate objects.


Hiimhaileypotter 52

24- Was that meant to be funny?

Don't judge him, op. I'm sure plenty of people have been in heated arguments with a pretentious microwave. Is it one of those newfangled microwaves with the convection ovens? Total dicks.

Microwaves are jerks. They never cook my hot pockets all the way through the lazy bastards.

Let that be a lesson to you kids, don't ever lend money to the microwave before you go out drinking as when you get back, it will steal your clothes!

iOceanus 18

30) It probably was. You win some, you lose some.

The microwave is a smug appliance. It heat up things faster then the oven and toaster. The microwave had it coming.

perdix 29

I hate the term half-naked. Did you see his junk or not? He could be wearing a thong and nothing else and be 98% naked, but it only crosses the line into being naked if gentials are exposed.

WhyCantIDoRight 5

Either half-naked or half-dressed.