What ARE you doing?

By mountains - 19/11/2012 00:47 - United States - Pembroke

Today, I awoke in the midst of the night to find my half-naked dad drunkenly arguing with the microwave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 034
You deserved it 1 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The microwave was asking for it! Did you hear that tone it used when it beeped? It's lucky your father didn't give it the beating it deserved. Stupid ******* smug appliances.

Are you sure he was drunk? I'm always up for an argument with inanimate objects.


31- it was meant to be funny and I it was funny to me at 5:30 in the morning because I couldnt fall asleep. I should have known better and not taken it so far. sorry, I agree that that was a quite terrible attempt at a joke. I shall accept my rotten tomatoes with dignity!

Sens3sfailing has just been getting no love recently.

SenselessPattern 12

There was an FML just like this one less than a year ago. Anybody else remember it? I think it was a microwave that the dad was arguing with as well...

doglover100 28
happyvocal 1

|Today, I awoke in the midst of the night to find my half-naked dad Please don't be a creeper FML.. |drunkenly arguing with the microwave *sigh of relief*

Lilithslabyrinth 0