
By failed brood mare - 17/11/2013 17:46 - United States - Hollywood

Today, my mom bitched me out for still being single at age 19, and still not having started a family. She considers this "immoral," yet showed nothing but praise for my sister, who's pregnant at 15 and doesn't know which of three guys is the father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 747
You deserved it 3 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom sounds like a great role model. *sarcasm* Don't feel bad, OP, my grandma gives me a tough time for wanting to finish school before starting a family.

I know. . I'm not your mom but I'm proud of you!


She needs to look up the meaning of immoral. She's also far too grand baby hungry.

baseballdude1283 18

Just know that you will be the successful one; sacrifices now will turn out better for the future

Success is different for everybody though. A woman who has always wanted nothing else than to start a family young will be successful after having 3 children before she turns 30. And she may not see a businesswoman as successful at all. All very personal.

luckyone365 7

17 and 33 obviously work at McDonald's

NagainaFier 16

Well that's a shitty thing to say, 51. They're right anyway; happiness and success are solely subject to each individual. What works for one doesn't necessarily work someone else.

Llama_Face89 33

51- My uncle is the president of a branch of Capgemini and he isn't the happiest man in the world. Your comment is entirely irrational.

Atleast now you can spend all the money on things you want, and not on a baby or a girlfriend :)

Ins0mau 20

I guess females can have girlfriends too.

stupidity99 16

That doesn't mean anything... She could be lesbian, bisexual, etc.

Some people just have their standards backwards.

Just prove your case in ten years when your sister's in a trailer park and you're actually successful.

olpally 32

Your mom raised a **** and then she raised you, the smart one. Good for you op. Your mom is an idiot.

Start another "teen mom" show... There's not enough of those...

myind_yabiness 13

It's good you have higher expectations, and dreams for yourself. You're something more than being that chick who was on the Maury show.

Your mom needs to take a step back and look at what the hell is happening!!!