
By failed brood mare - 17/11/2013 17:46 - United States - Hollywood

Today, my mom bitched me out for still being single at age 19, and still not having started a family. She considers this "immoral," yet showed nothing but praise for my sister, who's pregnant at 15 and doesn't know which of three guys is the father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 747
You deserved it 3 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom sounds like a great role model. *sarcasm* Don't feel bad, OP, my grandma gives me a tough time for wanting to finish school before starting a family.

I know. . I'm not your mom but I'm proud of you!


has your mom considered putting your sister in the show "15 and pregnant"? or is it 16 and pregnant. idk what the show is called. but don't let your mom or your sisters bad decisions mess up your values. if you get knocked up that early w/o a job youll be in a world of hurt. strive for the best! hopefully your mother can find the mental hospital okay!

plagiarismo 16

Absolutely insane, but these people do exist. When my brother was 16 he had a girlfriend the same age. She was crazy, but her mom was worse. When they broke up, they both started stalking him and I vividly remember the mom saying to him "I'd rather have her barefoot and pregnant than you not be around." I wonder what scared him off.

Thats creepy what did he do to get them to stop?

plagiarismo 16

That's the scary part, there was nothing he could do because they lived, literally, no more than a block away. Over the next few years the stalking lessened until I think they moved.

After I got married, my mil started pushing for kids. I understand. She loves kids and only has one. She wanted a grand child more then anything. She's s wonderful woman and this is really the only place we butted heads. I was told when I was young that it'd be hard for me to have kids if I waited too long. So I always had it in my head I didn't want kids. I knew adoption was an option if I changed my mind. Due to pressure, I made the mistake and tried. It was then I found out I was in fact infertile. I am glad things worked out the way they did though. Getting sick a few years ago, I don't think I would feel right passing this mystery illness onto a child. My sister had her kids young. Her youngest is already showing the signs of the illness me and my sister share. I will say though, going from not wanting to to can't was devastating. Move at your own pace. Things turn out in the end. The funny thing is we took in a younger friend a few years ago who was in a really bad home situation. Even though he was 21 when he came to stay with us, it still feels like we adopted. We have helped him grow into the person he wants to be by supporting him. If you opt to have kids later, great. If you opt not to have them at all, other opportunities may arise. For us, it was doing good by someone who deserved a shot. In return, I have someone who helps me on bad days. In the end, we give to each other and he has become a part of the family, treated like a grandchild by both mine and my husband's parents. Probably not what they had in mind, but it turned out to be the right thing for all involved. Stick to your guns op. If you aren't ready, don't rush it.

Can't tell if this is Fake or if your sister is a white trash *****

Could be worse, you could be 22 and "still" single.

Stick to your moral guns! Proud of you for not adding to the teen mum statistics.

JMichael 25

Ah the good old joke about being single at a young age. Don't rush to date OP. Take your time.

paramor3 23

I know this feeling all too well, OP. Some people just feel they know whats best for everyone. Just do what's best for you and don't worry too much about the rest.