Unreliable narrator

By screwed - 20/03/2014 21:03 - United States - Amarillo

Today, I had to give a deposition ahead of a trial in which my former boss is accused of fraud. I'm not a smart man, and I smoked a joint before heading out to try to calm my nerves. I got way too high and ended up giggling like an idiot through half the deposition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 181
You deserved it 69 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well maybe next time you'll think twice before jeopardizing something important like that. there are so many ways to calm your nerves rather than smoking weed so you completely deserve this one


i know this feel man. art is amazingly fun when ur baked but ive been to art class too high to draw so many times

I don't know the case, but really no matter what you just swung the case in favor of the other party.

Seriously...I'm suprised they didn't just bust you there and then!

TallMist 32

Case dismissed. Bring in the dancing lobsters.

You're right. You're not a smart man. kind of an idiot.