
By jaycee - 28/01/2012 03:41 - United States

Today, after having finally summoned the nerve to report a guy at my workplace who has been sexually harassing me for months, I got a phone call from my boss. He said that there was nothing he could do about it, because the guy "wouldn't confess." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 176
You deserved it 2 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

asoptavlo14 6

Leaving may be your best bet :(

Sucks for you. Report him to a higher authority then. Or get him caught in the act.


wow! you should definitely talk to someone higher than him..your boss is ignorant!

Well, if he did confess, he would be a confirmed sexual harasser. This comment just makes him an unconfirmed harasser.

Oh, and my real take on this story is I think that the dude should be fired lol

foxmatrix15 8

U never heard of a tape recorder? All cell phones have one now

Cell phones have Tape recorders? What kind of sorcery is this?

Tell security to look at camera recordings

I'm sorry, OP. Women need more respect in the workplace. Why are we not equal yet? You should sue the guy and the company for not handling your case with respect. Also, I recommend you find a better job.

Almighty_Chris97 6

Right, respectful would be to fire the guy simply because a woman accused him of sexual harassment.

dbt88 15

I'm not a "SUE!" person, but in these cases, I'd say document EVERYTHING and get a lawyer (most do one free consultation so you can see what you're going for). They can call your boss - a little "threat" from a lawyer might help him dig a bit deeper. The best lawyer in this case would be a woman because they usually get more pissed off hearing about un-dealt with harassment against other women.

Tell your boss that he's an idiot, then leave.

mama2b3 20

Cuz that's how that works....

ideasrule 13

Although the boss's response was lame, if the OP didn't have any evidence other than her word that the harassment was happening, why would the boss believe her instead of the accused? Sexual harassment is a serious charge, and if he were to punish someone who gets accused of it based solely on the accusation, that violates presumption of innocence and provides a way for rivals to get rid of each other. The most the boss can do is talk to the accused and be on the watchout for future harassment.

Thank you holy **** im so sick of reading this. "omggggg women need more rights omggg" bullshit. You're completely equal, it's no different than any other accusation, without evidence it's just he said she said, don't make it more than it is, the level of "sexual harassment" is unknown. The OP could be a complete prude who becomes uncomfortable if the man smiles at her for all we know.

ideasrule 13

And say what? The standard of evidence required for criminal proceedings is very high, as it should be. "I say that he harassed me" is not sufficient if the accused doesn't confess.